Sunday, February 4, 2024

Power Yoga for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide

 Unlocking the Benefits of Power Yoga: What You Need to Know

Namaste πŸ™,

Power Yoga is more than a workout; it's a dynamic fusion of strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. Whether you're new to the mat or a seasoned yogi, this practice adapts to your journey. From the invigorating poses to intentional breathwork, Power Yoga empowers your body, mind, and spirit. Unleash your potential with each dynamic movement, making every session a transformative experience. Embrace the extraordinary in Power Yoga – where strength meets serenity.

Our previous post describes the essential yoga types, "Hatha Yoga" "Ashtanga Yoga", "Kundalini Yoga", and "Iyengar Yoga". Now from this post, we are continuing our journey to learn about the next essential yoga pose called, "PowerYoga". So without wasting the time, let's roll...✌

Power Yoga
Power Yoga


Welcome to your first step on a transformative journey with Power Yoga, a dynamic and invigorating form of yoga that combines physical activity with mindful breathing to enhance your strength, flexibility, and mental clarity. Whether you're new to the world of yoga or looking to challenge yourself with a more vigorous practice, this guide is designed to walk you through the basics of Power Yoga, ensuring a smooth and empowering introduction to a practice that has captivated millions worldwide.

What is Power Yoga?

At its core, Power Yoga is a vigorous, fitness-based approach to vinyasa-style yoga. It emphasizes strength and flexibility, making it an ideal workout for those looking to enhance their physical conditioning as part of a holistic health regimen. Unlike traditional yoga, which focuses on static poses and meditation, Power Yoga incorporates a faster pace and more challenging sequences, offering a comprehensive workout that aligns the body, mind, and spirit.

The Benefits of Power Yoga

Embarking on a Power Yoga practice comes with a myriad of benefits. Physically, it builds muscle strength, enhances flexibility, and promotes stamina. It's also a powerful tool for weight management and improving cardiovascular health. On the mental side, Power Yoga encourages mindfulness and concentration, helping practitioners to cultivate a sense of inner peace and resilience that transcends the yoga mat. Here are a few key benefits you can expect:

  • Enhanced Strength and Flexibility: Power Yoga poses are designed to strengthen the core, arms, legs, and back while also increasing flexibility and balance.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: The dynamic nature of Power Yoga boosts heart rate, promoting better cardiovascular health and endurance.
  • Stress Reduction: Through focused breathing and mindfulness, Power Yoga helps in alleviating stress and promoting mental clarity.
  • Increased Energy Levels: Regular practice invigorates the body’s energy levels, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.
  • Community and Connection: Joining Power Yoga classes or online groups can connect you with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

As we delve into the world of Power Yoga together, this guide will provide you with all the necessary tools, tips, and techniques to make your introduction as enriching and enjoyable as possible. From understanding the fundamental poses to crafting your first Power Yoga routine, we're here to support you on every step of your journey. So, roll out your mat, and let’s embark on this exciting path to wellness together.

What is Power Yoga?

Power Yoga, a term that resonates with energy, strength, and vitality, is a dynamic and fitness-based approach to yoga that has gained widespread popularity for its ability to blend the physical with the mental, offering a holistic workout that challenges the body while calming the mind. Unlike traditional yoga, which often focuses on slow movements, meditation, and the spiritual aspects of the practice, Power Yoga emphasizes physical activity, making it an appealing option for those looking to increase their fitness level alongside achieving mental clarity and emotional balance.

Definition of Power Yoga

Power Yoga is characterized by its vigorous, flowing sequences of poses, designed to build strength, flexibility, and stamina. It's a style that doesn't adhere to a specific sequence, allowing instructors the freedom to create varied classes that can be tailored to the needs and abilities of their students. This adaptability makes Power Yoga a continually challenging and engaging practice for participants of all levels.

Origin and History of Power Yoga

The concept of Power Yoga originated in the late 20th century, as Western yoga practitioners began to seek a more physically demanding version of the practice. It is largely credited to two American yoga teachers, Beryl Bender Birch and Bryan Kest, in the early 1990s, who independently developed their own styles of Power Yoga, both inspired by Ashtanga Yoga. However, unlike Ashtanga, which follows a set series of poses, Power Yoga adopts the flow and vigor of Ashtanga but with a more flexible approach to sequences, making it accessible and appealing to a broader audience.

How Power Yoga Differs from Traditional Yoga

The primary difference between Power Yoga and traditional yoga practices lies in its pace and focus. Traditional yoga often emphasizes slow movements, deep stretches, and a strong focus on breathing and meditation. In contrast, Power Yoga is faster-paced, focusing on building strength and endurance through challenging poses and sequences. While traditional yoga practices might prioritize spiritual growth and relaxation, Power Yoga places a significant emphasis on physical fitness, though it still incorporates the mindfulness and breathing techniques central to yoga philosophy.

                       Power Yoga serves as a bridge for many, offering the physical benefits of a strenuous workout while still providing the mental and emotional benefits of traditional yoga practices, such as stress reduction, improved concentration, and a sense of inner peace. It's this unique combination of physical challenge and mental discipline that has made Power Yoga a beloved practice among those looking to deepen their yoga journey while getting a comprehensive workout.

                      In essence, Power Yoga is more than just a physical exercise; it is a dynamic practice that nurtures both the body and the mind, offering a pathway to improved overall well-being through the principles of strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a yoga novice, Power Yoga invites you to explore the limits of your physical and mental capabilities in a supportive and empowering environment.

Why Choose Power Yoga?

In the vast universe of fitness and wellness practices, Power Yoga stands out as a beacon for those seeking to invigorate their routine with something that not only challenges the body but also nurtures the soul. This unique blend of physical vigor and mental discipline offers a multitude of benefits, making it a compelling choice for anyone looking to enhance their overall well-being. Here’s why Power Yoga could be the transformative practice you’ve been searching for.

Benefits of Power Yoga

  • Comprehensive Physical Fitness: Power Yoga is a full-body workout that builds strength, increases flexibility, and improves balance and coordination. Unlike traditional workouts that may target specific areas of the body, Power Yoga sequences engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, promoting more balanced physical development. This holistic approach to fitness helps in sculpting a toned physique, enhancing stamina, and promoting the efficient functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Weight Loss and Metabolism: Power Yoga is a vigorous exercise that can burn more calories than traditional yoga, making it a great addition to any weight loss plan. Additionally, the various poses and breathing exercises in Power Yoga can help improve your metabolism.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: Power Yoga is an excellent cardiovascular workout. By increasing your heart rate, it can help improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Mental Clarity and Stress Reduction: One of the most profound benefits of Power Yoga is its ability to clear the mind and reduce stress. By focusing on the present moment and synchronizing breath with movement, practitioners often experience a significant reduction in stress and anxiety levels. This mindfulness aspect encourages a state of flow, where worries recede, and clarity emerges. Regular practice can lead to lasting improvements in mental health, including enhanced concentration, greater emotional resilience, and a more optimistic outlook on life.
  • Increased Energy and Improved Mood: Power Yoga invigorates the body and awakens the mind, providing a natural energy boost that can last throughout the day. This practice stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators, leading to improved mood and a feeling of well-being. Many practitioners find that starting their day with Power Yoga helps them feel more energized and prepared to tackle their daily tasks with enthusiasm and positivity.
  • Flexibility and Mobility: While Power Yoga is known for its strength-building benefits, it also significantly enhances flexibility and mobility. The dynamic movements and deep stretches involved in the practice work to loosen tight muscles and increase range of motion in the joints. This not only aids in injury prevention but also contributes to a more graceful and efficient movement in daily life.

Choosing Power Yoga means embarking on a journey that transcends physical fitness, offering a pathway to mental clarity, emotional balance, and a deeper connection with oneself. Whether you're looking to transform your body, find peace of mind, or simply explore a new and dynamic form of exercise, Power Yoga offers a comprehensive solution that addresses the needs of the whole person. With its combination of strength, flexibility, and mindfulness, Power Yoga is not just a practice but a powerful tool for personal transformation.

Scientific Studies about Power Yoga

Here are some scientifically supported benefits of Power Yoga:

  1. Physical Strength and Flexibility: Power Yoga poses are designed to strengthen the muscles and increase flexibility. Regular practice can lead to improved muscle tone, better balance, and increased core strength πŸ”—.
  2. Weight Loss and Metabolism: Power Yoga is a vigorous exercise that can burn more calories than traditional yoga, making it a great addition to any weight loss plan. Additionally, the various poses and breathing exercises in Power Yoga can help improve your metabolism πŸ”— πŸ”—.
  3. Stress Relief and Mental Well-being: Like all forms of yoga, Power Yoga is a great stress reliever. The focus on breath and movement can help clear your mind, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of calm and well-being πŸ”— πŸ”—.
  4. Improved Cardiovascular Health: Power Yoga is an excellent cardiovascular workout. By increasing your heart rate, it can help improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease πŸ”— πŸ”—.
  5. Increased Energy Levels: Many practitioners of Power Yoga report feeling more energetic and alert throughout the day. This could be due to the combination of physical activity, deep breathing, and mental focus that Power Yoga involves πŸ”—.

Remember, the benefits of Power Yoga can vary from person to person and regular practice is key to reap these benefits. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen.

Preparing for Power Yoga

Embarking on your Power Yoga journey is an exciting step towards enhancing your physical and mental well-being. To ensure a smooth and effective practice, a little preparation can go a long way. From setting up the right space to adopting the correct mindset, here's what you need to know to get started on the right foot.

Necessary Equipment and Space

  • Yoga Mat: Invest in a high-quality, non-slip yoga mat. A good mat provides the grip and cushioning needed to perform poses safely and comfortably.
  • Comfortable Clothing: Wear breathable, stretchable clothing that allows you to move freely. Avoid overly loose garments that might get in the way of your practice.
  • Water Bottle: Keeping hydrated is key, especially in a dynamic practice like Power Yoga. Have a water bottle close at hand to sip as needed.
  • Towel: A small towel can be helpful to wipe away sweat or provide extra grip for your hands or feet.
  • Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Ensure you have enough room to extend your arms and legs in all directions without hitting any obstacles. Natural light and good ventilation can also enhance your practice.

Importance of Mindset and Consistency

  • Mindset: Approach Power Yoga with an open and positive mindset. Be prepared to challenge yourself while also respecting your body's limits. Remember, Power Yoga is not just about physical strength but also mental resilience and flexibility.
  • Consistency: Like any fitness or wellness practice, consistency is key to seeing improvements. Try to establish a regular routine, whether it's daily or several times a week, to get the most out of your Power Yoga practice. Even on days when you're not feeling up to a full session, a few minutes of stretching or meditation can help maintain the habit.

Health Considerations and When to Consult a Doctor

  • Listen to Your Body: Power Yoga can be intense, so it's crucial to listen to your body and avoid pushing into pain. Familiarize yourself with the difference between a good stretch and discomfort signaling a potential injury.
  • Pre-existing Conditions: If you have any pre-existing health conditions or injuries, consult with a healthcare provider before starting Power Yoga. This is especially important for conditions that affect balance, joint health, or cardiovascular function.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant individuals should seek advice from their healthcare provider and possibly find a class specifically designed for pregnancy, as certain poses and the intensity of Power Yoga may not be suitable.
  • When to Consult a Doctor: If you experience unusual pain, dizziness, or discomfort during your practice, it's wise to pause and seek medical advice. A healthcare professional can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs, ensuring your Power Yoga journey is both safe and beneficial.

Preparing for Power Yoga is about creating a supportive environment, both physically and mentally, that will allow you to explore the full depth of your practice. With the right equipment, a conducive space, and a mindful approach, you're well on your way to unlocking the myriad benefits that Power Yoga has to offer. Remember, the journey is personal and unique to each individual, so embrace your path with patience, perseverance, and a healthy dose of self-compassion.

The Fundamental Poses of Power Yoga

Power Yoga is built on a foundation of dynamic and engaging poses that challenge your strength, flexibility, and balance. Mastering these foundational poses can significantly enhance your practice, providing both physical and mental benefits. Here, we'll delve into some of the fundamental Power Yoga poses, offering step-by-step instructions and tips to help beginners get started.

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Benefits: Strengthens the arms and legs, stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, and hands, and energizes the body.


  • Start on your hands and knees, with wrists aligned under shoulders and knees under hips.
  • Tuck your toes and lift your hips up and back, extending your legs and arms, coming into an inverted V-shape.
  • Press firmly into your hands, extending through the shoulders. Keep your neck relaxed and gaze towards your feet.
  • Hold for 5-10 breaths, focusing on lengthening the spine and lowering the heels towards the ground.
Beginner Tips: Bend your knees slightly if you have tight hamstrings. Ensure your weight is evenly distributed between your hands and feet.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Benefits: Increases stamina, strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles, and stimulates abdominal organs.


  • From standing, step your feet about 4-5 feet apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and reach them actively out to the sides, shoulder blades wide, palms down.
  • Turn your right foot slightly to the right and your left foot out to the left 90 degrees. Align the left heel with the right heel.
  • Exhale and bend your left knee over the left ankle, so that the shin is perpendicular to the floor. If possible, bring the left thigh parallel to the floor.
  • Stretch your arms away from each other, keeping them parallel to the floor, and gaze over your left hand.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then switch sides.
Beginner Tips: Ensure your bent knee doesn't move past your ankle to avoid strain. Use a wall to support your back leg if you're finding it hard to balance.

Plank Pose (Phalakasana)

Benefits: Strengthens the arms, shoulders, and core, and prepares the body for more challenging arm balances.


  • Begin in a tabletop position with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  • Step your feet back to extend your legs behind you, coming onto the balls of your feet. Engage your core, thighs, and glutes to stabilize the body.
  • Keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels, with your gaze slightly forward.
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, focusing on maintaining a strong, engaged core.
Beginner Tips: Drop to your knees if maintaining the full plank is too challenging at first. Ensure your hips don't sag or lift too high.

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Benefits: Strengthens the thighs and ankles, while toning the shoulders, butt, hips, and back. It also stimulates the heart and diaphragm.


  • Stand with your feet either hip-width apart or together (depending on your comfort and balance).
  • Inhale and raise your arms above your head, palms facing each other or touching.
  • Exhale and bend your knees, trying to take your thighs as nearly parallel to the floor as possible. Your knees will project out over your feet, and your torso will lean slightly forward over the thighs until the front torso forms approximately a right angle with the tops of the thighs.
  • Keep your inner thighs parallel to each other and press the heads of the thigh bones down toward the heels.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to a minute, then straighten the knees with an inhalation and release the arms with an exhalation.

Beginner Tips: If you're struggling to maintain balance, practice the pose with your back against a wall.

Incorporating Breathing Techniques into Your Power Yoga Practice

Breath is a crucial element of Power Yoga, linking movement to breath to create a meditative flow. Here are some tips to integrate breathing into your practice:

  • Ujjayi Breath: Also known as "Victorious Breath," involves breathing in and out through your nose with a slight constriction in the back of your throat. Practice this breathing to help maintain focus and generate internal heat.
  • Sync Movement with Breath: In Power Yoga, each movement is typically synchronized with the breath. Inhale as you expand or stretch, and exhale as you contract or fold. This synchronization enhances concentration, control, and the flow of energy.
  • Mindful Breathing: Pay attention to your breath throughout your practice. If your breathing becomes short or strained, take it as a sign to slow down or modify the pose.

Mastering these foundational poses and incorporating mindful breathing techniques will lay a strong foundation for your Power Yoga practice, paving the way for growth, strength, and inner peace.

How to do Power Yoga
How to do Power Yoga

Step-by-Step Guide to Power Yoga for Beginners

Tips for maintaining proper form, avoiding injury, and detailed cool-down exercises. This guide ensures beginners can follow along easily and safely on their Power Yoga journey.

Warm-Up Exercises

Cat-Cow Stretch

  • Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, ensuring your knees are set directly below your hips and your wrists, elbows, and shoulders are in line and perpendicular to the floor.
  • As you inhale, lift your chest and tailbone towards the ceiling, allowing your belly to sink towards the floor (Cow Pose).
  • Exhale, rounding your spine towards the ceiling, gently bringing your chin towards your chest (Cat Pose).
  • Continue for 5-10 cycles, moving with your breath.

Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) with a Twist

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Exhale, hinge at your hips to fold forward, keeping a slight bend in your knees.
  • Place your right hand on the ground (or a block) in front of your feet, and as you inhale, lift your left arm towards the ceiling, twisting your torso to the left. Hold for a few breaths, then switch sides.

Basic Power Yoga Poses

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

  • Instructions: Start on all fours, then lift your hips up and back, straightening your legs to form an inverted V-shape. Press firmly through your hands, and aim to bring your heels down towards the mat.
  • Tips: Keep your fingers spread wide, and rotate your arms so that your elbows face towards your thumbs to relieve pressure on your wrists.

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

  • Instructions: From a standing position, step one foot back about 3-4 feet, keeping the back foot at a 45-degree angle. Bend your front knee to a 90-degree angle, keeping your knee over your ankle. Raise your arms overhead, palms facing or touching. Repeat on the other side.
  • Tips: Keep your front knee from going past your toes to avoid injury. Engage your core and keep your hips facing forward.

Plank Pose

  • Instructions: Begin in a tabletop position. Step your feet back to extend your legs, forming a straight line from your head to your heels, with shoulders directly over your wrists.
  • Tips: Engage your core and quads to support your body. Keep your neck in a neutral position by gazing down at the mat.

Tips for Maintaining Proper Form and Avoiding Injury

  • Always keep a slight bend in your knees and elbows to avoid hyperextension.
  • Engage your core in all poses to support your spine and improve balance.
  • Move into and out of poses slowly and with control to prevent strain or injury.
  • Listen to your body. If a pose causes pain beyond general discomfort, ease out of it and try a modified version.

Cool-Down Exercises

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

  • Sit back on your heels with your knees together or slightly apart, fold forward to rest your forehead on the floor, extending your arms in front of you.
  • Hold for 1-2 minutes, allowing your spine to lengthen and your body to relax.

Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

  • Lie on your back, bring your knees into your chest, then extend your arms out to the sides.
  • Slowly drop your knees to one side while turning your head to the opposite side. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then switch sides.

Corpse Pose (Savasana)

  • Lie flat on your back, legs slightly apart, arms at your sides with palms facing up. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, allowing your body to relax completely for 5-10 minutes.

Remember, Power Yoga is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with your progress and consistent with your practice. Over time, you'll not only see improvements in your physical strength and flexibility but also in your mental resilience and overall well-being.

FAQ about Power Yoga

Q1. What is Power Yoga?

Answer: Power Yoga is a dynamic and fitness-based form of yoga that combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation. It emphasizes strength, flexibility, and endurance through a series of flowing poses, providing a full-body workout while promoting mental focus and clarity.

Q2. Is Power Yoga suitable for beginners?

Answer: Absolutely! While Power Yoga is known for its intensity, it can be adapted for all fitness levels, including beginners. Modifications and variations make it accessible, allowing individuals to progress at their own pace and gradually build strength and flexibility.

Q3. Do I need to be physically fit to start Power Yoga?

Answer: No, Power Yoga welcomes practitioners of all fitness levels. It's a practice that evolves with you. Begin with modified poses and gradually progress as your strength and flexibility improve.

Q4. How is Power Yoga different from traditional yoga?

Answer: Power Yoga is more dynamic and physically challenging compared to traditional yoga. While both emphasize the mind-body connection, Power Yoga focuses on building strength and endurance through a faster-paced sequence of poses, whereas traditional yoga may include slower movements and a deeper focus on meditation and spirituality.

Q5. What equipment do I need for Power Yoga?

Answer: Minimal equipment is required. A good-quality yoga mat, comfortable clothing, and a water bottle are essentials. Optional props like blocks or straps can be used for support and modification.

Q6. How often should I practice Power Yoga?

Answer: Consistency is key. Aim for at least 2-3 sessions per week. The frequency can be adjusted based on your schedule and fitness goals. Listen to your body, and allow time for rest and recovery.

Q7. Can Power Yoga help with weight loss?

Answer: Yes, Power Yoga can contribute to weight loss by increasing metabolism, burning calories, and building lean muscle mass. When combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, it can be an effective component of a weight management plan.

Q8. Are there specific breathing techniques in Power Yoga?

Answer: Yes, Power Yoga often incorporates Ujjayi breath, a deep and audible breath that helps regulate the intensity of the practice. Breath awareness is crucial, syncing inhalations and exhalations with movements to enhance focus and control.

Q9. How long does a typical Power Yoga session last?

Answer: Sessions can vary, but a typical Power Yoga class lasts around 60 to 75 minutes. Shorter sessions can be effective, especially for beginners. Online platforms may offer sessions of varying lengths.

Q10. Is Power Yoga suitable for pregnant individuals?

Answer: While modifications can be made, it's advisable for pregnant individuals to consult with their healthcare provider before practicing Power Yoga. Prenatal yoga classes specifically designed for pregnancy may be a safer option.

Power Yoga for Beginners
Power Yoga for Beginners


In this comprehensive guide, we've explored the invigorating world of Power Yoga from its fundamental poses to warm-ups, tips for proper form, and cool-down exercises. Let's recap the key takeaways and provide a boost of encouragement for your exciting Power Yoga journey.


  • Introduction to Power Yoga: We embarked on this journey by understanding the essence of Power Yoga – a dynamic fusion of physical strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.
  • What is Power Yoga?: Explored the definition, origin, and differences between Power Yoga and traditional yoga, shedding light on its unique approach.
  • Why Choose Power Yoga?: Unveiled the myriad benefits, supported by real success stories, illustrating how Power Yoga transforms not only the body but also the mind and spirit.
  • Preparing for Power Yoga: Equipped you with the essentials, from necessary equipment and space considerations to the importance of mindset and health considerations.
  • Fundamental Poses of Power Yoga: Delved into detailed instructions for foundational poses like Downward-Facing Dog, Warrior I, and Plank Pose, emphasizing the integration of breath.
  • Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners: Provided a concise, beginner-friendly session covering warm-up exercises, basic poses, tips for proper form, and cool-down exercises to make your initiation seamless.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Answered common queries to address any lingering uncertainties and guide you toward a well-informed practice.

Encouragement for Your Journey:

Embarking on the path of Power Yoga is not just about physical exercise; it's a holistic journey toward self-discovery, resilience, and well-being. As you roll out your mat and embrace each pose, remember:

  • Progress at Your Pace: Everyone's journey is unique. Honor your body, and don't rush the process. Celebrate small victories, and be patient with yourself.
  • Consistency is Key: The magic of Power Yoga unfolds with regular practice. Even short, mindful sessions can yield profound results over time.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to the signals your body sends. Modify poses as needed, and always prioritize safety over pushing boundaries.
  • Enjoy the Journey: Power Yoga is not just a workout; it's an exploration of your body's capabilities and a pathway to inner harmony. Revel in the joy of movement and the serenity it brings.

As you step into each pose, savor the sensation, connect with your breath, and relish the transformative power of your practice. Your Power Yoga journey is an empowering odyssey – a commitment to your physical and mental well-being. Embrace the challenge, trust the process, and enjoy the profound impact that Power Yoga can have on your life. May your mat be a sanctuary of strength, resilience, and self-discovery. Namaste πŸ™.

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